http:// localhost:9000

Port 9000 is commonly used for SonarQube, an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities.

How to access SonarQube on localhost:9000

To access SonarQube services on port 9000, ensure your SonarQube server is running and configured to use port 9000. You can analyze code quality metrics and manage projects directly through the SonarQube web interface.

Accessing SonarQube Services

Once your SonarQube server is running, you can access its services through URLs like:

  • SonarQube Dashboard: Access the dashboard at http://localhost:9000/dashboard.
  • Code Quality Metrics: Review code quality metrics and reports.
  • Project Management: Manage projects, configurations, and quality gates.

Setting Up SonarQube on Port 9000

If you're setting up SonarQube for the first time:

  • Download and install SonarQube server on your local machine.
  • Configure SonarQube to use port 9000 for web access.
  • Integrate SonarQube with your development environment to automate code quality checks.

Learn More

For more information on setting up and using SonarQube with port 9000, explore the following resources: